fredag den 16. december 2011

Merry jul ...

I am going til the julefrokost at my work to aften.
It is et very smukt pyntet teachersroom ... A lot of julepynt and a juletræ. At first man was told to bringe sit own ølkrus, but now har de found nok to alle!

It will be sjovt! I know - it plejer to be sjovt!

Skååååååål :))

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

3 kommentarer:

  1. Have a rigtig good fornøjelse at the julefrokost. Me too will go til such a one....

    Skåler with you tonight, søde!

  2. Hahaha, håber du havde en lovely julenight ;D

  3. It was a very sjov julenight!!


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